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About Us
Welcome to IRSC GTBIT, A community where professionals and student developers, designers and having other skilsets meet and create projects in order to enhance their skills and many students learn skills along with interning in parallel where they are required to use the skillsets they learnt during trainings.


here students get opportunity to intern online specially in the current situation of pandemic which seems to blocking all the oppertunities.But,IRSC provides them opportunity to work remotely on real world projects with the skillsets students like.

Meet our team

We have team of professionals who have expertise in different fields with experiences all are here to train the youth, young and talented minds.

Join Us
If you would like to join us then fill this membership form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.Also if you like to participate in events and intern in the skills you have then we will send you regular updates about the events organised by IRSC GTBIT.